If you study architecture or you'r an admirer of this topic the new building of the school of architecture at Bond University in Queensland, Australia will definitely grab your eye.
This amazing building is a strange and beautiful mix of concrete, wood and glass. It was designed by London studio CRAB, and the main actors in the project Robotam Gavin and Sir Peter Cook.
The total area of the structure that is created is 27,000 square meters and since she had just completed, now it needs to face the toughest test of everyday use.
Judging by the photos, the interior is amazing: like a jagged saw concrete slabs form shapes, arches and corridors. The walls are rough and as you can see on the concrete itself are attached lighting and other pieces of furniture.
Wooden elements and parts of the structure can be seen everywhere and while at first glance inside the building look like in the initial phase of construction, this interior creates a very pleasant feeling. Some of the rooms have " acoustic privacy " and others do not. Open spaces are everywhere and it is almost impossible to have between four closed walls.
The building has a passive stack or so-called "thermal wells" that serve to dissipate the high temperatures and to maintain airflow as a kind of giant self-regulating lungs. This will ultimately help reduce energy costs.
Overall the building looks like the inside grotto with a series of rooms (not just rooms), at different levels, connected in the most unexpected points with spiral staircases. The use of wood as well know architects has psychological side because it gives a sense of calm. But the use of so many wooden elements in a public building such as a school, is a risk of scratches, warping or uneven interior elements. However it will be interesting to see if the building will withstand the test of time and people.
But look at the exterior. Outside the building becomes a forest of pillars that support the leaf eaves. Seen from far, the school arhitaktura seems more effective thanks to the combination of wood, concrete and glass. In the evening and at night it reveals one more beautiful face. It looks like a pretty good place to study and work, and this is a fresh departure from the trend.
article: www.hicomm.bg
Дойде време за кулминацията в „Твоят шрифт" - конкурса на Списание 8 и „Тайпдепо"! В надпреварата се включиха 8 автори на букви с над 20 авторски шрифта.
Победителят Кирил Семков имаше шанса проектът му да попадне в ръцете на Александър и Вероника от „Тайпдепо". Те го превърнаха в пълноценен шрифт с цели 4 начертания, който в чест на надпреварата получи названието Ossem. Начертанията са Regular, Rust (подготвен със съдействието на Васил Кателиев), Rough и Rounded.
Ossem вече е завършен и достъпен за свободно изтегляне!
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